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How to say ‘and’ to link nouns in Korean? -하고, -(이)랑

learning korean Dec 09, 2022
-하고, -(이)랑, Korean grammar.

- Author: Good Job Korean team 
- Editor: Good Job Korean team 

Today, we will learn about -하고 and -()which carry the meaning of ‘and’. They are used like a particle that is added to nouns without space. -하고 and –()can be interchangeably used, however –()is used in more casual conversation than -하고.

Let’s learn how conjugation works and how -하고 and –()are used in sentences.




There is no conjugation rule for -하고. You just add -하고 to the noun without space.




한국어하고 영어 공부해요.

I study Korean and English.

*공부하다: to study

엄마하고 아빠가 보고 싶어요.

I want to see my mom and dad. (=I miss my mom and dad)

*엄마: mom, mother   *아빠: dad, father   *보다: to see, watch   *-고 싶다: to want to-



- If the noun ends with a consonant, you add -이랑




이랑 코가 예뻐요.

The eyes and nose are pretty.

*: eye(s)    *: nose    *예쁘다: to be pretty


   선물이랑 편지를 받았어요.

   I received a present and a letter.

*선물: present, gift   *편지: letter   *받다: to receive


- If the noun ends with a vowel, you add -



   눈이 예뻐요.

   The nose and eyes are pretty

   마우스 키보드를 샀어요.

   I bought a mouse and keyboard.

*마우스: mouse(computer)   *키보드: keyboard(computer)   사다: to buy


Another meaning of -하고 and –()

-하고 and –()are generally used as ‘and’, but they can also mean ‘with’ depending on the context. Let’s look at the example sentence.



  친구하고 삼겹살 먹었어요.

   I ate 삼겹살 with my friend.

*친구: friend   *삼겹살: Grilled pork belly


If -하고 is translated as ‘and’ in this sentence, it means “I ate friend and 삼겹살”. Which will make the sentence horrifying. So, in this context -하고 is translated as ‘with’.

Let’s check out more example sentences.




하고 저는 학생이에요.

My older brother and I are students.

*형: older brother   *: I(polite speech)   *학생: student


연필하고 지우개가 필요해요.

I need a pencil and an eraser.

*연필: pencil   *지우개: eraser   *필요하다: to be needed


피자 치킨을 먹었어요.

I ate pizza and fried chicken.

*피자: pizza   *치킨: fried chicken   *먹다: to eat


수학이랑 과학을 좋아해요.

I like math and science.

*수학: math   *과학: science   *좋아하다: to like


누나 학교에 갔어요.

I went to school with my older sister.

*누나: older sister   *학교: school   *가다: to go


친구하고 영화 봤어요.

I watched a movie with my friend.

*친구: friend   *영화: movie   *보다: to watch




‘하고’ and ‘()’ are only used to say ‘and’ to link nouns, NOT verbs or sentences. For example, if you want to say ‘and’ as in “I woke up and ate breakfast”, you should say “저는 일어났어요. 그리고 아침을 먹었어요”.

- Author: Good Job Korean team 
- Editor: Good Job Korean team