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The ‘르’ Irregular Verb List and Conjugation Method: e.g. 모르다, 다르다, 빠르다.. etc

learning korean Feb 10, 2023
'르' irregular verbs, irregular verbs, irregular conjugation, Korean grammar

 - Author: Niya (Trinidad and Tobago)
 - Editor: Good Job Korean team 

 There are verbs that have a verb stem ending with ‘르’ such as 모르다, 다르다, and 빠르다.. etc. They are conjugated differently from regular verb, so let’s check out how ‘르’ irregular verbs are conjugated with examples.


 How conjugate irregular ‘



 ‘’ irregular verbs are conjugated similarly to ’ irregular verbs. You can conjugate '르' irregular verbs by following the 3 steps below.


 1. Drop ‘ㅡ’ from ‘르’

 Ex1) 다르 -> 다ㄹ

 Ex2) 배부르 -> 배부ㄹ


  2.If the vowel of the letter before ‘르’ is either ‘ㅏ’ or ‘ㅗ’ add ‘-아요’. For the other vowels, you add ‘-어요’.

 Ex) 다르 -> 다ㄹ -> 다라

 ->You need to check the vowel of ‘’ as it is placed before ‘’. Since the vowel of ‘’ letter is ‘’, ‘-아요’ should be added.


 Ex2) 배부르 -> 배부ㄹ -> 부러

 ->You need to check the vowel of ‘’ as it is placed before ‘’. Since the vowel of ‘’ letter is NOT ‘’ or ‘’, ‘-어요’ should be added.


 3.Add ‘ㄹ’ final consonant to the preceding letter to ‘르’

 Ex1) 다르 -> 다ㄹ -> 다라-> 달라

 Ex2) 배부르 -> 배부ㄹ -> 부러-> 불러


 Now let’s see the list of ‘’ irregular verbs


 List of ‘’ irregular verbs


 가르다(to divide)

 갈라요 갈랐어요 가를 거예요


 고르다(to choose)

 골라요 골랐어요 고를 거예요


 구르다(to roll)

 굴러요 굴렀어요 구를 거예요


 기르다(to bring up, to raise)

 길러요 길렀어요 기를 거예요


 나르다(to carry)

 날라요 날랐어요 나를 거예요


 누르다(to press)

 눌러요 눌렀어요 누를 거예요


 다르다(to be different)

 달라요 달랐어요 다를 거예요


 두르다(to put around)

 둘러요 둘렀어요 두를 거예요


 마르다(to be thirsty, to dry)

 말라요 말랐어요 마를 거예요


 모르다(to not know)

 몰라요 몰랐어요 모를 거예요


 바르다(to put on, to apply)

 발라요 발랐어요 바를 거예요


 부르다(to call, to be full)

 불러요 불렀어요 부를 거예요


 빠르다(to be fast)

 빨라요 빨랐어요 빠를 거예요


 서두르다(to hurry)

 서둘러요 서둘렀어요 서두를 거예요


 오르다(to climb)

 올라요 올랐어요 오를 거예요


 이르다(to be early, to snitch)

 일러요 일렀어요 이를 거예요


 자르다(to cut)

 잘라요 잘랐어요 자를 거예요


 저지르다(to commit something bad)

 저질러요 저질렀어요 저지를 거예요


 찌르다(to stab)

 찔러요 찔렀어요 찌를 거예요


 흐르다(to flow)

 흘러요 흘렀어요 흐를 거예요



 Verbs ‘따르다(to pour, to follow), 치르다 (to pay), 들르다 (to drop in)’ look like ‘’ irregular verbs. However, these verbs follow the ‘’ irregular conjugation rule, so you don’t add additional ‘’ when you conjugate.


 Example sentences of ‘’ irregular verbs


 새로 산 자동차는 빨라요.

 The new car that I bought is fast.

 *새로: newly   *사다: to buy   *자동차: car   *빠르다: to be fast


 어제 머리를 잘랐어요.

 I cut my hair yesterday.

 *어제: yesterday   *머리: hair   *자르다: to cut


 친구가 BTS 노래를 불렀어요.

 My friend sang BTS song.

 *친구: friend   *노래를 부르다: to sing a song


 저는 샤워하고 로션을 발라요.

 I put on lotion after I take a shower.

 *저: I(polite speech)   *샤워하다: to take a shower   *-: and, after   *로션: lotion   *바르다: to put on

 - Author: Niya (Trinidad and Tobago)
 - Editor: Good Job Korean team